DEV update
Hi, everyone!
Today we’ve updated our app!
scam alerts
Now verified scams get a special warning in UI: “SCAM ALERT!”.
If you know that some token is surely a scam — you can report it to us through our official telegram channel.
We’ll check your request and add “SCAM ALERT!” if suspicions are confirmed.
TokenSniffer link
For additional contract verification (taxes, ownership renounces, liquidity locked, etc.) we’ve added direct link a TokenSniffer. It is a nice to reveal scams.
For example, it is insightful for the recent Squid Game (SQUID):
While we’re planning to add this tests to our own Scoring Engine in the near future — you can already use them now through link to TokenSniffer.
We’ve added tooltips to logos and icons. Now it’s easy to understand what they mean, e.g. “TokenSniffer scam check”
Have a nice day and stay tuned,
your LSR team!